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Tooth Extractions at Just White Dental

sad tooth being extractedAt Just White Dental, we offer a wide range of dental solutions to suit your needs. If a tooth has been damaged by decay or trauma, we prioritise exploring all possible alternatives, such as crowns, fillings or other treatments, before proceeding with an extraction. When necessary, however, we can gently perform a comfortable extraction.

Common Reasons for Needing a Tooth Extraction

The two most common reasons why you may need a tooth extraction are as follows:

  • Severe tooth infection or abscess that cannot be managed with antibiotics and root canal therapy may require removal.
  • Teeth damaged as a result of accidents, sports injuries or other traumatic events may require removal.

What to Expect

Once we’ve determined that an extraction is required for your situation, we’ll review your medical history. There are certain conditions that indicate a higher risk of infection happening. If needed, we will prescribe antibiotics that can be taken before starting treatment.

When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll begin with taking X-rays of the affected area. Then, we can plan how best to proceed with the removal. A numbing gel will be applied to the area, followed by a local anaesthetic to leave you numb and completely comfortable. We’ll check to be certain that you don’t feel any pain before we continue.

After the removal is completed, the area will be packed securely with gauze. You’ll bite down to apply pressure, and the process will be completed. We’ll detail the proper aftercare instructions, which can also be found below.

Post-Procedure Instructions

To ensure that you heal quickly and comfortably after an extraction, there are several tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t drink using a straw for 24 hours
  • Avoid excessive spitting or rinsing
  • Refrain from strenuous activities for 24 hours
  • Eat foods that are soft
  • Avoid smoking
  • Use any painkillers given as prescribed

It’s also crucial to attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your dentist.

Book an Appointment

We offer same-day appointments for emergency care. If you’d like immediate attention or have a dental emergency, we’ll make every effort to get you in as quickly as possible. Late opening hours are available that fit easily into your busy schedule. Schedule your time today.


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.

Tooth Extractions West Ryde, Meadowbank,
Ryde & Denistone NSW | (02) 9807 8066